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Making the Case for Video Chat


Advancements in technology have enhanced the quality of communication tools available to companies. As a result, an ever-increasing number of brands have been exploring video chat as a tool to improve contact center operations.

Live video chat is proven to help decrease resolution time, boost customer satisfaction and drive ROI; so, let's discover more about its best application in Customer Care.

The role of video Chat

Video Chat enables support teams in offering real-time and personalized customer service experiences. Just a few years ago Gartner rightly predicted: "over 100 of the 500 largest global business will introduce video chat by 2018 for customer-facing interactions".

The popularity of video chat app proofs that more customers are ready to embrace the technology also for digital customer care. The video channel provides a more personalized and immediate experience. Businesses choosing to offer video chat as customer care channels are also choosing to leverage the benefits of that innovation and make brand awareness.

Vivocha video chat offerings include not only video but a set of web-collaboration tools like co-browsing, screen sharing, URL and image pushing and so on. And this is the option we can easily find strong use cases for, let's discover some of them.

Digital Remote Advisor

Pioneering banks and wealth management firms around the world are taking a novel approach that offers high-quality financial personal advice.  The “Virtual Advisor” retains tailored service from qualified advisors, offering an alternative to networks of branch offices and providing dedicated services via video chat and with the support of collaborative tools.

Three core features define the remote advisory service
Dedicated advice at a distance: the centralized hub of the virtual advice center delivers a high level of personal service from high-calibre advisors.
Seamless digital fulfilment: Nearly all transactions are completed digitally and seamlessly. The wide range of instruments allows the expert to manage the customer issues from A to Z, without the need to go to move to the branch.
Guaranteed professional support: the remote advisor is not a simple contact center agent but a professional figure with many years of careers and high level of expertise.

Digital Onboarding & Web ID

Today you need to identify almost for every service, should it be account opening, car sharing or new mobile phone numbers. In the past, you had to present your ID in person, even if you only wanted to use online services. Today, everything is done conveniently through video identification, reducing time and geographical limits. 

Through visual recognition, the agent can confirm the documents and the identity of the client and the latter can also place his signature and fill documents online thanks to tools such as the form sharing or co-browsing, provided by an omnichannel platform, such as Vivocha.

Security is another important convenience of this service: document signing can be done also through registered delivery service, granting proof of sending and receiving the data, and protect them against loss, theft, damage on other alterations.

Web Identification provides important advantages to companies: higher return on investment, increase in signed customers and an important reduction of fraud risk.

Visual Tech Support

An effective omnichannel strategy can deliver results beyond expectations; when you solve issues faster, customers are happier. By guiding a customer to resolution you are providing an invaluable lesson which reduces the likelihood of them to come back with the same problem.

Visual tech assistance, allow the agent to see what the Customer sees, in real-time.
The Customer can escalate from the phone channel to the video channel, gaining the possibility to show their technical issues to the agent in realtime, who will easily manage it and provide precise support.

Results are tangible on both the customer and the agent's sides. If the agent guides the Customer in the right way, they will probably be able to solve the issue by themselves. This improves customer satisfaction but also increases call center efficiency and first call resolution.

Visual Remote Appraisal

A remote appraisal is a cost and time-saving solution to receive a precise, independent value from a team of experienced appraisal professionals.
The remote expert is able to visualize the critical situation and diagnose the problem exactly through the video chat and can take advantage of the toolset present on the digital customer engagement platform he will be managing the appraisal from.

The appointment scheduler can be an additional feature for this service, offering the customer the chance to organise the session at the time that suits better for him, once again allowing better service for the customer!

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