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Be there for your Customers, at the right time and place


The surge in online purchases and tools such as videocall platforms, as well as applications useful for carrying out many of the services or work activities online, are demonstrating in these days that new technologies are an important key and an unexpressed way with enormous potential.
The Coronavirus emergency situation is now extended to all Italy, the security measures activated are increasingly restrictive and everyone is doing their best to resolve the situation as soon as possible.

The Italian economy has been put to the test by this serious situation, and a solution to survive is to make all the services available digitally.
Clearly, not all businesses will be able to follow this spirit, but all those who have the opportunity should give a significant turn to the Italian digitization process.

Customer Care is in this difficult situation as well, but it has the possibility of offering tools of enormous support to all Customers and citizens who are facing new digital challenges.

Vivocha, the digital Customer Engagement platform, is the perfect tool for online Customer support in these extraordinary times, thanks to its innovative features.

Vivocha is Cloud 

Vivocha is a totally cloud platform therefore it has simple accessibility. Not only it can be integrated into the Customer's website or application in a very short time, but operators can access via a browser, without the need to install special software, and therefore they can managed interactions in any location.

Nevertheless, agent access is always controlled and secure and there is no risk of loss or disclosure of sensitive Customer data.

Vivocha is immediate

Thanks to the Campaign Builder, the Vivocha tool that allows you to create engagement widgets, which can appear according to custom proactivity rules, it is possible to implement new assistance offers on any web page or app in no time.

In these complex days, there are many changes in digital services, many new landing pages and many difficulties that users will encounter, especially those who usually prefer the traditional version of service and physically going to a shop or office. It will, therefore, be essential to offer additional help and become more available to guide the Customer towards the best solution for them.

Vivocha is omnichannel

"Be there for your Customers at the right time and place". This is a basic concept for Vivocha and therefore it becomes fundamental to make Customer assistance available on any channel.

This is why Vivocha allows you to manage incoming contact requests not only from websites and mobile apps, but also from the main messaging platforms, such as WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Apple Business Chat.

In case of emergency, technology becomes one of our greatest allies, and thanks to it we can ensure constant presence and support for our online Customers.

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