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Should I out-source customer service?

by Mktg team | November 30, 2012


Before you decide, it’s important to get your thinking clear about customer service.
A combination of several factors can help determine whether outsourcing your company’s customer service will be a smart move. important considerations include:

  • Sophistication

Just because outsourcing customer service will save money doesn’t always mean it won’t cost you money in the long run. If your company regularly takes customer calls on technical or complicated issues, you may be better off keeping customer service in-house to ensure customers are receiving correct, complete answers to their questions.

  • Time

Another important factor to consider before making a decision is also the time, or understand how they intend to manage the relationship with your customers. Are higher-level services provided all day long, in real time and with a proactive approach to dealing with the critical customer problems.

  • Profitability

Depending on the volume of customer service of your business, could or could not be profitable to hire an outside company to do it for you. Estimate the cost of creating your own customer service department and compare it with the cost of outsourcing. Be sure to consider all factors, such as employee compensation and training, equipment and supply purchases, construction or rent costs, and maintenance – and as always shop around.

  • Customer Needs

Many agencies offer 24/7 support, which may be too costly for some businesses to provide in-house. Whatever your current customer service needs are, it’s best to crunch the numbers and draw up a clear comparison. If you realize that your customers need customer service more prolonged, more detailed and require a more “personal” with the brand then the outsourch not be the best choice. At that point it will be appropriate to obtain information on cloud-based solutions that allow you to analyze the behavior of your on and offline users, collect data on them and interact with them in real time to achieve maximum customer satisfaction by solving problems at a glance.


Vivocha is a Cloud-Based solution to enable multichannel interaction with website visitors, to provide support and live help. The cloud-based model allow for quick deployment and infinite scalability, making the out-sourcing or in-sourcing of a Contact Centre a matter of minutes. Request a demo to learn more.

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